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June 14th Release Notes

New Features

  • Email Receipts - Your customers will now receive an email with a receipt for any credit card or ACH payment. This receipt is sent as soon as the transaction is completed. And it's branded with your logo.

  • Contractor Notifications - Contractors can now receive text notifications of when the truck is headed towards them. This can be configured on the first truck only, or for every truck on the order. You can also auto-text your contractors a link to the e-ticket once the truck is done delivery.

  • Auto-Collect - Auto-collect is now live! Letting you automate the mundane tasks of creating statements, sending payment reminders, and dealing with AR.

  • Custom Delivery Controls - Setup custom delivery controls for your drivers to complete on site. Then feed that information into the dashboard and/or E-ticket for customer to view.



  • Archive customers - You can now archive customers but clicking on the three dots on the while on the contractor tab.

  • Scheduling Advanced Orders - Orders can now be scheduled or reschedule as far in the future as you like!

  • Truck Sorting - Scheduling Trucks in the truck tab and on the scheduling screen are not sorted alphabetically for ease of use.

  • Incoming Order Status - You can now filter orders by incoming status on the orders tab.

  • E-ticket Improvements - The e-ticket has a new design and more information about the job.

  • Driver App - Drivers can no longer edit delivery info on completed orders. Drivers trying to start a new delivery while a delivery is already in progress will be directed to the complete the current delivery before proceeding.


Bug Fixes

  • Manager Notes - Fixed bug with manager notes not appearing for all managers.

  • Payout Screen - Fixed bug when clicking a payout from the payment tab didn't take you to that specific payout on the payout screen.

  • Fee calculations - Fixed bug when changing something on the order would sporadically cause fees to disappear or change in value

  • Date picker not working on payment tab - Fixed bug causing the date picker to function incorrect on payment tab

  • Driver App Error - Fixed bug causing the driver to see different information about the order on the main delivery page vs inside the order

  • Merging contractors - Fixed bug causing merged contractors to drop orders. This only occurred when the contractor had contractor members that had orders.

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